I bring you greetings from the
The Birth of The United Supreme Council Southern & Western Jurisdiction
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.)
(Higher Degrees after 1801: Birth of the Scottish Rite in Charleston, S.C. (May 31, 1801)
On May 24, 1801, John Mitchell made the Reverend Frederick Dalcho (a Prussian, born in London) a Deputy Inspector General of the Order of the Royal Secret, and one week later, on May 31, 1801, "The Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the United States of America, was opened and operating. . . agreeably to the Grand Constitutions” in Charleston, South Carolina, with Col. John Mitchell and Rev. Dalcho presiding. The Supreme Council was a superior system to Morin’s Order of the Royal Secret; it administered 33 degrees, including all 25 of Morin’s Rites. As mentioned earlier, the traditional authority of the Supreme Council stems from the “Grand Constitution of the 33rd degree” (also Grand Constitutions of 1786), ostensibly ratified by Frederick II (“The Great”), King of Prussia. The earliest known copy dates from about 1801–1802, and is written in Rev. Dalcho’s handwriting. Its 18 articles are preceded by the title “Constitution, Statutes, & Regulations for the Government of the Supreme Council of Inspectors General of the 33° and for the Government of all Councils under their Jurisdiction.” The Circular throughout two Hemispheres, or “1802 Manifesto” (the first printed document issued by the Supreme Council), also asserted that Frederick II "The Great" instigated its creation with this decree:
On the 1st of May, 5786 AL [1786 AD], the Grand Constitution of the 33rd degree, called the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, was finally ratified by his Majesty the King of Prussia, who as Grand Commander of the order of Prince of the Royal Secret, possessed the Sovereign Masonic power over all the Craft. In the new Constitution this high Power was conferred on a Supreme Council of nine Brethren in each Nation, who possess all the Masonic prerogatives in their own district, that this majesty individually possessed; and are Sovereigns of Masonry.
The involvement of Frederick II, King of Prussia, was repeated in the “History” which was delivered in the original 33° ritual:
The Most Puissant Grand Sovereign—Grand Master Commander in Chief—Sovereign of Sovereigns of the degree of Prince of the Royal Secret, was our Illustrious brother, Frederick the 2nd King of Prussia. He established this degree, in concert with our brother, his Serene Highness, Louis of Bourbon, Prince of the Blood Royal of France, and other Illustrious characters, who had received the degrees of K. H. and Prince of the Royal Secret. . . . This new Degree he called “Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, or Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree.
Like Morin’s Constitutions and Regulations of 1762, many modern Masonic historians view the Grand Constitutions of 1786 as “traditional” rather than "historical" documents. After a detailed investigation into its origins, Albert Pike accepted the tradition regarding the King’s involvement, and his reputed role in the creation of the Supreme Council, even though there was no direct evidence that he did so, likewise there was none that indicated he did not. Therefore, most High Degree Masons agree that Pike did argue correctly. However, whatever the origin, the formal adoption of any law forms a legal basis for government. Modern opinion also agrees with the latter and maintains that at a minimum, the stories regarding the origins of the Constitutions of 1762 and 1786 are akin to the legends preserved in the Old Charges, providing a traditional environment for the degrees, just as the Biblical account of King Solomon’s Temple forms the Symbolic setting for Craft Freemasonry’s origins and its degrees, whether it be "Traditional or Historic".
The 5 Supreme Councils: For Colored Free Masonry in the U.S. of A. (1854-1881)
At one time there existed in this country, as late as 1881, Five Supreme Councils among "Colored Masons", all claiming the right and authority to confer the several degrees and establish bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) throughout the Americas. These Original 5 Supreme Councils operated independently of each other during their time of existence. And unlike today, members then could have membership in more than one Masonic Jurisdiction belonging to more than 1 Supreme Council at the same time. Unfortunately, that crossing over of Jurisdictions was a conflict of interest and served to be the ground floor for the problems we have today with so many different Masonic Orders. This conflict of interest was the root cause of infighting and unhealthy competition for membership, many times the same members. The Five Original "Colored" Supreme Councils in the U.S.A. were:
1) The 1854 King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. with Ill. David Leary 33rd as Sov. Commander
2) The 1864 United States Supreme Council in New York, NY. with Ill. Peter W. Ray 33rd as Sov. Commander
3) The 1869 Southern & Western Supreme Council in Washington, D.C. with Ill. William H. Thomas 33rd as Sov. Commander
4) The 1870 Southern Supreme Council in Baltimore, MA. with Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33rd as Sov. Commander
5) The 1871 King Frederick II Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. with Ill. Joshua D. Kelley 33rd as Sov. Commander
History of the 5 "Colored" Supreme Councils:
The Library of Congress records and achieves indicate that the first Scottish Rite organization among African Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, PA which was referred to as a "Council of Princes of Jerusalem". For those of you that are Masonic Scholars you should know that the Original Council of Princes of Jerusalem refers to the two Historical Degrees conferred in a Council of Princes of Jerusalem covering the period of 538 to 516 B.C. They deal with persons and events connected with the end of the Babylonian Captivity of Israel, the return of some of the captives of Jerusalem, and the rebuilding of the Temple with King Zerubbabel, a Jewish captive, who wins the favor of King Cyrus and the release of the Jews from captivity to go back to the Holy Lands of their forefathers, Israel, with the purpose of rebuilding King Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount. Years later, these historic events are reenacted in the 16th Degree, PRINCE OF JERUSALEM, where King Zerubbabel returns to Babylon to plead with King Darius for military protection against the enemies of Israel and for more generous assistance in the rebuilding of the Temple once erected by King Solomon. His skill in debate and his courage and integrity inspired King Darius to grant his petitions according to legend, with the encouragement of Deity. These degrees teach Loyalty to conviction in the face of temptation, Fidelity to duty despite hardships, and a Devotion to Truth which is mighty above all things, and which must prevail in the councils of mankind.
The African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, PA arose through a West Indian migration where the 1st Colored Mason of African descent.
Ill. Stephen Morin had propagated the Rite in the West Indies. Remember scholars, Prince Hall was born in the British West Indies and was purported to have been Initiated, Passed, and Raised to The Sublime Degree of Master Mason on March 6, 1775, in Lodge No. 441, Irish Constitution. Making him the 1st Black Man in the United States (Free or Slave) to be made a Master Mason; not the 1st Black man to be a Modern Free Mason. The Lodge that was purported to have made Prince Hall into a Master Mason was a Traveling Lodge, attached to the 38th Regiment of Foot Solders in the British Army Garrisoned at Castle William (now Fort Independence) in Boston Harbor, within the state of Massachusetts. The Council of Princes of Jerusalem was responsible for sparking the interest and organization of The King David Supreme Council which grew out of the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, PA, making it the 1st Supreme Council for "Colored Masons" created in North America. It started in 1850 with the conferring of the 33rd Degree on Ill. David Leary by Count de St. Laurent 33rd of the Supreme Council de' France and the Grand Commander of the Council of Spain. This made Ill. David Leary the 1st American Black Inspector-General of Scottish Rite Masons. Hence, in 1854 King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. was born, with Ill. David Leary 33rd as its 1st Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander.
2nd Supreme Council:
Eight years later in New York a onetime member of the Supreme Council of the Grand Orient de' France, Ill. Baron A. Hugo de Bulow 33rd was purported to have helped set up the 2nd Supreme Council of North America for "Colored Masons." It was named The United States Supreme Council, and it was established and formed in New York City, NY. in 1864, led by Ill. Peter W. Ray 33rd as its 1st M. P. Sov. Grand Commander. It should be noted that the United States Supreme Council, with its Territories, and Dependencies, having its Grand East in New York was primarily made of members that Split away from the 1847 National Grand Lodge to be a part of the Independent Grand Lodges from within the National Grand Lodge to form this new Supreme Council. This group split from the Compact Grand Lodges that later formed the Compact National Grand Lodge of 1847, Free & Accepted Ancient York Rite Masons, Prince Hall Origin (P.H.O.).
However, let it be known that the remaining members within the Original National Grand Lodge established in 1847 continued to work and flourish as active groups of lodges and Grand Lodges that remained affiliated but somewhat of a different mindset than the Compact Group; they were often referred to as "Independents & States Rites Masons." These free-thinking independents were a combined group of Prince Hall Affiliates (P.H.A.) Free and Accepted Masons with Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (A.F. & A.M.). This meant that there was still a rift amongst the brethren; some Grand Lodges continued to organize and operate within the 1847 National Grand Lodge formed in Boston, MA, under the ideals and leadership of the Original Compact Group. However, many of the so-called Independents followed the ideals and leadership of those from Washington, D.C. area along with Grand Lodges from OH, NY, GA, and PA seeking reform from some of the constraining By-laws and Constitutions affecting their Sovereignty within their own jurisdictions supported by the Compact Group. Those that stayed continued to work within the organization as an independent faction until the changes in the leadership and By-laws made it too difficult to maintain the status quo under the same named organization. Hence, prompting the remaining members of the National Grand Lodge to split again to be re-organized and re-named several times. It was once renamed the "National Masonic Congress (A.F. & A.M.) by Ill. John G. Jones 33rd on August 9th, 1889, in Cleveland, Ohio. It was finally re-named and re-organized as "The General Grand Masonic Congress" (G.G.M.C.) by Ill John G. Jones 33rd in Washington, D.C. on April 27, 1896. Because the Independents and National Compact Masons could not come to a consensus within the symbolic Blue Lodge, it was only natural to expect that they would have some differences in how to govern the Higher House Degrees.... So, they sought independence in forming their own Supreme Councils; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Supreme Council were born out of these splits.
3rd Supreme Council:
Be that as it may, in turn, the United States Supreme Council had some of its members split away later to help set up two more Supreme Councils for Colored Masons in other States, Commonwealths, Districts, and Jurisdictions with the aid of King David's Supreme Council. One was Headquartered in Washington, D.C. and the other was headquartered in Baltimore, MD. Yes, I am referring to the Southern & Western Supreme Council and the Southern Supreme Council. Now before I go any further into the formation of these two Councils that made up the 3rd and 4th Supreme Councils for Colored Masons in the U.S.A. that I just mentioned, let me continue with how the mixture of Masons from different Affiliations and Jurisdictions were involved; to include the Prince Hall Origin Grand Lodges, Independent States Rites Prince Hall Affiliate Grand Lodges, and Independent Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. All of these labeled factions or Masonic groups within and without the M.W. National Grand Lodge and the United States Supreme Council influenced the formation of these two Supreme Councils... I also believe it must be noted that even before the 2nd Supreme Council was established in New York in 1864 as the United States Supreme Council, Ill. Edward M. Thomas 33rd of Washington, D.C. area who was one of the founders of the Original 1847 National Grand Lodge, was already petitioning the 1st Supreme, King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA to open its doors to petitioning Independents' who were F. & A. M. as well as A.F. & A. M. Masons coming from the District of Columbia seeking to be granted the right to have the 33rd degree conferred upon them although they resided in Washington, D.C. Hence, because of his resolute persistence and due diligence, the 33rd degree was eventually conferred on these representative Masons from D.C. on May 5, 1856, before the 2nd Supreme Council was even established in 1864, they were Members of King David's Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. They worked under the Pennsylvania Supreme Council for 13 years until the conferment was finally made to form a new Supreme Council. This New Supreme council established by the 1st King David Philadelphia Supreme Council on April 5, 1869, officially gave Birth to the 3rd Supreme Council, the Southern and Western Jurisdiction which was the one mentioned above that formed its own Headquarters at Washington, D.C. to be led by The Ill. William H. Thomas 33rd as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander (See details below).
4th & 5th Supreme Council:
The other splinter group that left the United States Supreme Council and were a part of the 1847 Compact National Grand Lodge eventually became the Southern Supreme Council with its Headquarters at Baltimore, MD. in 1870 led by Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33rd as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander, which gave rise to the 4th Supreme Council established for "Colored Masons" in North America. Keeping in true form and tradition, a year later in Philadelphia, PA, the Southern Supreme Council helped set up the final and 5th Supreme Council; the King Frederick Supreme Council; it was formed in 1871 led by Ill. Joshua D. Kelley 33rd as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander.
Details on The Birth of Our Southern & Western Jurisdiction: (1856-1869)
As stated earlier, even before the 2nd Supreme Council, the United States Supreme Council of 1864 was established, Ill. Edward M. Thomas from the District of Columbia was already petitioning the 1st Supreme, King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA to open its doors to potential
Independents who were members coming from the District of Columbia to be granted the right to have the 33rd degree conferred upon them although they resided in Washington, D.C. Hence, in the year 1856, several members in Washington DC also petitioned King David Supreme Council of Philadelphia PA. for the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite degrees were granted those rites on May 5, 1856, but they had to work under King David's Supreme Council from 1856 – 1869. Nevertheless, they made it known that their ultimate desire was to have the right to eventually administer the Scottish Rite degrees themselves under their own Supreme Council in D.C. Hence, in the year 1869, Edward M. Thomas 33rd, John P. Costan 33rd, John A. Gray 33rd, Henry H. Dade 33rd, John H. Smallwood 33rd, Adolphus Hall 33rd, and several others still residing in the city of Washington D.C. petitioned to have a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) duly organized and constituted at Washington, D.C.
On the 5th day of April 1869, W. M. Thompson 33rd, Jonathan Davis 33rd, J. W. Warlett 33rd, W. H. Riley 33rd, Cyrus G. Burton 33rd, J.W. Henderson 33rd, and George W. Hopewell 33rd of the King David Supreme Council of Philadelphia, PA. finally granted them the right to their own Supreme Council in Washington, D.C. This was done in compliance with the Grand Constitutions of 1786; meaning this Supreme Council was regularly organized and opened as a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction for the United States of America and Canada. The Ill. William H. Thomas 33rd, who fought so hard early on, even before the 2nd Supreme Council came into being, for this dream to come true, was elected rightfully as its first M. P. Sovereign Grand Commander. It should be noted for those who wish to dismiss or expunge this imperative piece of Masonic History from the annals of time, that this United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of (A. A. S. R.) Antient Free and Accepted Masons is the same Supreme Council that Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33rd/96th was elected to serve as the M. P. Sov. Grand Commander over, not once, but twice, then ran and lost on his third bid for the office to Ill. John G. Jones 33rd. who once served as his Lt. Sov. Grand Commander. The sad and disappointing part of this history is that Thornton A. Jackson had the wherewithal to then turn around and declare to the Southern Supreme Council and others that would listen to him, that his own Supreme Council, the Southern & Western; that he was not only raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in, received the Honorary 33rd Degree of Inspector General in, Started the Supreme O.E.S. Grand Chapter in, and was the Most Pursuant Sovern Grand Commander in twice, Illegitimate and Clandestine is simply Ludacris and Asinine? (See below)
When you look at the office of M. P. Sov. Grand Commander of the Southern and Western Supreme Council below, you will see how the office of M. P. Sov. Grand Commander rotated between the years of 1875 and 1895 between members of both the Southern Supreme Council and the Southern and Western Supreme Council, indicating that our histories and legitimacy are indisputably intertwined and united:
(S & W Supreme Council organized 1869) M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. William H. Thomas 33°; Southern and Western ------ 1869 - 1878
NOTE: (The Southern Supreme Council was organized 1870, H.Q. Baltimore, MD.; led by M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33°)
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. James A. Handy 33°; Southern--------------------------------1875 - 1878
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33°; Southern and Western ----1878 - 1881*
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. James A. Handy 33°; Southern-------------------------------- 1881*-1889
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33°; Southern and Western-----1889 – 1895*
(Southern Split from S & W 1895*) M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. John G. Jones 33°; Southern and Western--------------- 1895*- 1914
(1895-1896 Ill. John G. Jones 33° was National Grand Master of the G. G. M. C. & M. P. Sov. Grand Commander of S & W United Supreme Council)
At this point,1881 becomes a critical juncture of events in time and history, notice that Ill. James A. Handy is listed as a member and the Sov. Grand Commander of the Baltimore (Southern) Supreme Council in 1875-1878, but as you can see in the timeline above, he was also the Sovereign Grand Commander of the (Southern and Western) Supreme Council in 1881-1889 after the Southern Supreme Council was set up in 1870 with Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33° as their 1st M. P. Sovereign Grand Commander; James Handy became his predecessor in 1875-1878. This is a clear indication that Ill. James A. Handy 33° had to also be a member of the Southern Supreme Council as well as a member of the Southern and Western Supreme Council at the same time. To further prove my point, it was in the 1881 NY Conclave, discussed in further details below in the (Articles of Union), that Ill. Rev. James A. Handy 33°, who authored the book Scraps of African Methodist Episcopal History (1902), went as a delegate to the January 13th Conclave that consisted of 18 Inspector Generals as a representative of the Southern Supreme Council. Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33° went to the same 1881Conclave in New York, NY as a representative of the Southern and Western Supreme Council. Historical documents also indicate that during the time of 1881-1895, they and others had membership in both Supreme Councils before and during the official unification of the two Southern Jurisdictions in 1887.
It was at the Historic Conclave on the 13th day of January 1881 in NY, NY that it was agreed to form two Supreme Councils for the United States of America and Canada, one for the Northern Jurisdiction and one for the Southern Jurisdiction requiring the 5 separate Supreme Councils to Unite. The 3 Supreme Councils in the North United quickly at the conclusion of the NY Conclave on that same date, January 13, 1881. However, the perspective leaders of the 2 remaining Supremes in the Southern Jurisdiction remained Sovereign in their separate Supreme Councils but continued to intermingle memberships to meet and work together as stated and indicated in the timeline above. It was not until 6 years later, on January 27th, 1887, that the Southern Jurisdictions complied with the concluding decision that came from that 1881 Conclave, finally giving birth to the re-named and re-organized union formed between the Southern Supreme Council of Baltimore, MD., and the Southern and Western Supreme Council of Washington, D. C.: it was to be from that day on known as the United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Grand East at Washington, D.C. . The Minutes from the Conclave state the following regarding their Union:
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Dr. B. H. Stillyard 33°; Wheeling, W. Va. ------ 1914 -1916
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Henry Broads 33°; Homestead, PA.----- 1916 -1918
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Charles L. Mitchell 33°; San Antonio, TX. ---- 1918 -1925
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. G. C. Williams 33°; Shreveport, LA.---- 1925 - 1936
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. J. C. Parker 33°; Detroit, MI.---- 1936 - 1958
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. T. J. Hawkins 33°; Shreveport, LA.___ 1958 - 1977
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Robert L. Johnson 33°; Los Angeles, CA. 1977-1987 M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. F. A. Watson 33°; Boston, MA-----
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Otis Clopton 33°; CA.-----
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Joseph L. Thomas 33°; LA------ 2020 - Present
Hence, without pause or apology, Masons in the United Supreme Council of the Southern & Western Jurisdiction have continued to meet regularly since April 5th, 1869, to this present day where The Ill. Joseph L. Thomas 33rd has the honor and distinction of being the present Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander.
The Articles of Union: (October 1894)
As time went on, it did not take long before the five Supreme Councils became Masonic rivals, competing for members and at times for the same members. On April 1, 1880, the United States Supreme Council issued a call for representatives of all the Supreme Councils to meet in New York. The meeting took place on October 21st, 1880, where the passage of a resolution to convene the representatives again on January 13, 1881. On this date eighteen Inspector Generals convened in Corinthian Hall, New York City. John S. Chase of the United States Supreme Council was elected Chairman and Samuel R. Scottron of the United States Supreme Council was elected Secretary. The result was an agreement to form two Supreme Councils. All this was done for the sole purpose of the pursuance of the decrees, resolutions, and articles of a Convention of the Supreme Councils, held at the City of New York, in the State of New York, on the 13th day of January 1881. There at this Historic Conclave, it was agreed to form two Supreme Councils for the United States of America. The three in the North would unite to form one Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, and the two in the South would unite to form one Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction.
Thanks to the fact that the 5 Councils finally realized that having 5 Separate Supreme Councils sharing some of the same Jurisdiction and members was too much of a conflict-of-interest causing bitter bickering and rivalry, they were able to work together in the Spirit of Brotherly Love, Truth, and Relief because Harmony is the Strength of most societies, Especially Ours. Hence, on April 9th, 1881, a union was formed between the King David Supreme Council and King Frederick Supreme Council at Philadelphia, PA.: it was known as the United Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Grand East at Philadelphia, PA. NOTE: (The United States Supreme Council had to back out of the unification due to a lawsuit filed against it in Chicago, IL.). On January 27th, 1887, a Union was formed between the Southern Supreme Council of Baltimore, MD., and the Southern and Western Supreme Council of Washington, D. C.: it was known as the United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Grand East at Washington, D.C. Hence, what came out of the 1881 Conclave of representative Inspector Generals was what's responsible for creating the Articles of Union (October 16-17, 1894). The results of this Conclave proclaimed the following: "We do hereby make it known unto you that there are Only Two Regular and Legal Supreme Councils of the thirty-third and last degree of the A. A. S. Rite of Freemasonry among Colored Masons in the United States of America." They will be combined and redistricted as such for Details: (Read Minutes Below)
The Minutes from The Articles of Union
October 16-17, 1894
Union of Supreme Councils in the United States
The Supreme Councils were united by the following resolutions:
The United Supreme Council of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States, having its See at Washington, D. C., the Grand Orient, aforesaid, duly, and lawfully assembled in annual session at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri, on the 16th and 17th days of October 1894, V. E., do hereby order and ordain the following:
Thornton A. Jackson
On May 24, 1801, John Mitchell made the Reverend Frederick Dalcho (a Prussian, born in London) a Deputy Inspector General of the Order of the Royal Secret, and one week later, on May 31, 1801, "The Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree for the United States of America, was opened and operating. . . agreeably to the Grand Constitutions” in Charleston, South Carolina, with Col. John Mitchell and Rev. Dalcho presiding. The Supreme Council was a superior system to Morin’s Order of the Royal Secret; it administered 33 degrees, including all 25 of Morin’s Rites. As mentioned earlier, the traditional authority of the Supreme Council stems from the “Grand Constitution of the 33rd degree” (also Grand Constitutions of 1786), ostensibly ratified by Frederick II (“The Great”), King of Prussia. The earliest known copy dates from about 1801–1802, and is written in Rev. Dalcho’s handwriting. Its 18 articles are preceded by the title “Constitution, Statutes, & Regulations for the Government of the Supreme Council of Inspectors General of the 33° and for the Government of all Councils under their Jurisdiction.” The Circular throughout two Hemispheres, or “1802 Manifesto” (the first printed document issued by the Supreme Council), also asserted that Frederick II "The Great" instigated its creation with this decree:
On the 1st of May, 5786 AL [1786 AD], the Grand Constitution of the 33rd degree, called the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, was finally ratified by his Majesty the King of Prussia, who as Grand Commander of the order of Prince of the Royal Secret, possessed the Sovereign Masonic power over all the Craft. In the new Constitution this high Power was conferred on a Supreme Council of nine Brethren in each Nation, who possess all the Masonic prerogatives in their own district, that this majesty individually possessed; and are Sovereigns of Masonry.
The involvement of Frederick II, King of Prussia, was repeated in the “History” which was delivered in the original 33° ritual:
The Most Puissant Grand Sovereign—Grand Master Commander in Chief—Sovereign of Sovereigns of the degree of Prince of the Royal Secret, was our Illustrious brother, Frederick the 2nd King of Prussia. He established this degree, in concert with our brother, his Serene Highness, Louis of Bourbon, Prince of the Blood Royal of France, and other Illustrious characters, who had received the degrees of K. H. and Prince of the Royal Secret. . . . This new Degree he called “Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, or Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree.
Like Morin’s Constitutions and Regulations of 1762, many modern Masonic historians view the Grand Constitutions of 1786 as “traditional” rather than "historical" documents. After a detailed investigation into its origins, Albert Pike accepted the tradition regarding the King’s involvement, and his reputed role in the creation of the Supreme Council, even though there was no direct evidence that he did so, likewise there was none that indicated he did not. Therefore, most High Degree Masons agree that Pike did argue correctly. However, whatever the origin, the formal adoption of any law forms a legal basis for government. Modern opinion also agrees with the latter and maintains that at a minimum, the stories regarding the origins of the Constitutions of 1762 and 1786 are akin to the legends preserved in the Old Charges, providing a traditional environment for the degrees, just as the Biblical account of King Solomon’s Temple forms the Symbolic setting for Craft Freemasonry’s origins and its degrees, whether it be "Traditional or Historic".
The 5 Supreme Councils: For Colored Free Masonry in the U.S. of A. (1854-1881)
At one time there existed in this country, as late as 1881, Five Supreme Councils among "Colored Masons", all claiming the right and authority to confer the several degrees and establish bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) throughout the Americas. These Original 5 Supreme Councils operated independently of each other during their time of existence. And unlike today, members then could have membership in more than one Masonic Jurisdiction belonging to more than 1 Supreme Council at the same time. Unfortunately, that crossing over of Jurisdictions was a conflict of interest and served to be the ground floor for the problems we have today with so many different Masonic Orders. This conflict of interest was the root cause of infighting and unhealthy competition for membership, many times the same members. The Five Original "Colored" Supreme Councils in the U.S.A. were:
1) The 1854 King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. with Ill. David Leary 33rd as Sov. Commander
2) The 1864 United States Supreme Council in New York, NY. with Ill. Peter W. Ray 33rd as Sov. Commander
3) The 1869 Southern & Western Supreme Council in Washington, D.C. with Ill. William H. Thomas 33rd as Sov. Commander
4) The 1870 Southern Supreme Council in Baltimore, MA. with Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33rd as Sov. Commander
5) The 1871 King Frederick II Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. with Ill. Joshua D. Kelley 33rd as Sov. Commander
History of the 5 "Colored" Supreme Councils:
The Library of Congress records and achieves indicate that the first Scottish Rite organization among African Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, PA which was referred to as a "Council of Princes of Jerusalem". For those of you that are Masonic Scholars you should know that the Original Council of Princes of Jerusalem refers to the two Historical Degrees conferred in a Council of Princes of Jerusalem covering the period of 538 to 516 B.C. They deal with persons and events connected with the end of the Babylonian Captivity of Israel, the return of some of the captives of Jerusalem, and the rebuilding of the Temple with King Zerubbabel, a Jewish captive, who wins the favor of King Cyrus and the release of the Jews from captivity to go back to the Holy Lands of their forefathers, Israel, with the purpose of rebuilding King Solomon's Temple on the Temple Mount. Years later, these historic events are reenacted in the 16th Degree, PRINCE OF JERUSALEM, where King Zerubbabel returns to Babylon to plead with King Darius for military protection against the enemies of Israel and for more generous assistance in the rebuilding of the Temple once erected by King Solomon. His skill in debate and his courage and integrity inspired King Darius to grant his petitions according to legend, with the encouragement of Deity. These degrees teach Loyalty to conviction in the face of temptation, Fidelity to duty despite hardships, and a Devotion to Truth which is mighty above all things, and which must prevail in the councils of mankind.
The African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, PA arose through a West Indian migration where the 1st Colored Mason of African descent.
Ill. Stephen Morin had propagated the Rite in the West Indies. Remember scholars, Prince Hall was born in the British West Indies and was purported to have been Initiated, Passed, and Raised to The Sublime Degree of Master Mason on March 6, 1775, in Lodge No. 441, Irish Constitution. Making him the 1st Black Man in the United States (Free or Slave) to be made a Master Mason; not the 1st Black man to be a Modern Free Mason. The Lodge that was purported to have made Prince Hall into a Master Mason was a Traveling Lodge, attached to the 38th Regiment of Foot Solders in the British Army Garrisoned at Castle William (now Fort Independence) in Boston Harbor, within the state of Massachusetts. The Council of Princes of Jerusalem was responsible for sparking the interest and organization of The King David Supreme Council which grew out of the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, PA, making it the 1st Supreme Council for "Colored Masons" created in North America. It started in 1850 with the conferring of the 33rd Degree on Ill. David Leary by Count de St. Laurent 33rd of the Supreme Council de' France and the Grand Commander of the Council of Spain. This made Ill. David Leary the 1st American Black Inspector-General of Scottish Rite Masons. Hence, in 1854 King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. was born, with Ill. David Leary 33rd as its 1st Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander.
2nd Supreme Council:
Eight years later in New York a onetime member of the Supreme Council of the Grand Orient de' France, Ill. Baron A. Hugo de Bulow 33rd was purported to have helped set up the 2nd Supreme Council of North America for "Colored Masons." It was named The United States Supreme Council, and it was established and formed in New York City, NY. in 1864, led by Ill. Peter W. Ray 33rd as its 1st M. P. Sov. Grand Commander. It should be noted that the United States Supreme Council, with its Territories, and Dependencies, having its Grand East in New York was primarily made of members that Split away from the 1847 National Grand Lodge to be a part of the Independent Grand Lodges from within the National Grand Lodge to form this new Supreme Council. This group split from the Compact Grand Lodges that later formed the Compact National Grand Lodge of 1847, Free & Accepted Ancient York Rite Masons, Prince Hall Origin (P.H.O.).
However, let it be known that the remaining members within the Original National Grand Lodge established in 1847 continued to work and flourish as active groups of lodges and Grand Lodges that remained affiliated but somewhat of a different mindset than the Compact Group; they were often referred to as "Independents & States Rites Masons." These free-thinking independents were a combined group of Prince Hall Affiliates (P.H.A.) Free and Accepted Masons with Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (A.F. & A.M.). This meant that there was still a rift amongst the brethren; some Grand Lodges continued to organize and operate within the 1847 National Grand Lodge formed in Boston, MA, under the ideals and leadership of the Original Compact Group. However, many of the so-called Independents followed the ideals and leadership of those from Washington, D.C. area along with Grand Lodges from OH, NY, GA, and PA seeking reform from some of the constraining By-laws and Constitutions affecting their Sovereignty within their own jurisdictions supported by the Compact Group. Those that stayed continued to work within the organization as an independent faction until the changes in the leadership and By-laws made it too difficult to maintain the status quo under the same named organization. Hence, prompting the remaining members of the National Grand Lodge to split again to be re-organized and re-named several times. It was once renamed the "National Masonic Congress (A.F. & A.M.) by Ill. John G. Jones 33rd on August 9th, 1889, in Cleveland, Ohio. It was finally re-named and re-organized as "The General Grand Masonic Congress" (G.G.M.C.) by Ill John G. Jones 33rd in Washington, D.C. on April 27, 1896. Because the Independents and National Compact Masons could not come to a consensus within the symbolic Blue Lodge, it was only natural to expect that they would have some differences in how to govern the Higher House Degrees.... So, they sought independence in forming their own Supreme Councils; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Supreme Council were born out of these splits.
3rd Supreme Council:
Be that as it may, in turn, the United States Supreme Council had some of its members split away later to help set up two more Supreme Councils for Colored Masons in other States, Commonwealths, Districts, and Jurisdictions with the aid of King David's Supreme Council. One was Headquartered in Washington, D.C. and the other was headquartered in Baltimore, MD. Yes, I am referring to the Southern & Western Supreme Council and the Southern Supreme Council. Now before I go any further into the formation of these two Councils that made up the 3rd and 4th Supreme Councils for Colored Masons in the U.S.A. that I just mentioned, let me continue with how the mixture of Masons from different Affiliations and Jurisdictions were involved; to include the Prince Hall Origin Grand Lodges, Independent States Rites Prince Hall Affiliate Grand Lodges, and Independent Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. All of these labeled factions or Masonic groups within and without the M.W. National Grand Lodge and the United States Supreme Council influenced the formation of these two Supreme Councils... I also believe it must be noted that even before the 2nd Supreme Council was established in New York in 1864 as the United States Supreme Council, Ill. Edward M. Thomas 33rd of Washington, D.C. area who was one of the founders of the Original 1847 National Grand Lodge, was already petitioning the 1st Supreme, King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA to open its doors to petitioning Independents' who were F. & A. M. as well as A.F. & A. M. Masons coming from the District of Columbia seeking to be granted the right to have the 33rd degree conferred upon them although they resided in Washington, D.C. Hence, because of his resolute persistence and due diligence, the 33rd degree was eventually conferred on these representative Masons from D.C. on May 5, 1856, before the 2nd Supreme Council was even established in 1864, they were Members of King David's Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA. They worked under the Pennsylvania Supreme Council for 13 years until the conferment was finally made to form a new Supreme Council. This New Supreme council established by the 1st King David Philadelphia Supreme Council on April 5, 1869, officially gave Birth to the 3rd Supreme Council, the Southern and Western Jurisdiction which was the one mentioned above that formed its own Headquarters at Washington, D.C. to be led by The Ill. William H. Thomas 33rd as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander (See details below).
4th & 5th Supreme Council:
The other splinter group that left the United States Supreme Council and were a part of the 1847 Compact National Grand Lodge eventually became the Southern Supreme Council with its Headquarters at Baltimore, MD. in 1870 led by Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33rd as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander, which gave rise to the 4th Supreme Council established for "Colored Masons" in North America. Keeping in true form and tradition, a year later in Philadelphia, PA, the Southern Supreme Council helped set up the final and 5th Supreme Council; the King Frederick Supreme Council; it was formed in 1871 led by Ill. Joshua D. Kelley 33rd as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander.
Details on The Birth of Our Southern & Western Jurisdiction: (1856-1869)
As stated earlier, even before the 2nd Supreme Council, the United States Supreme Council of 1864 was established, Ill. Edward M. Thomas from the District of Columbia was already petitioning the 1st Supreme, King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia, PA to open its doors to potential
Independents who were members coming from the District of Columbia to be granted the right to have the 33rd degree conferred upon them although they resided in Washington, D.C. Hence, in the year 1856, several members in Washington DC also petitioned King David Supreme Council of Philadelphia PA. for the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite degrees were granted those rites on May 5, 1856, but they had to work under King David's Supreme Council from 1856 – 1869. Nevertheless, they made it known that their ultimate desire was to have the right to eventually administer the Scottish Rite degrees themselves under their own Supreme Council in D.C. Hence, in the year 1869, Edward M. Thomas 33rd, John P. Costan 33rd, John A. Gray 33rd, Henry H. Dade 33rd, John H. Smallwood 33rd, Adolphus Hall 33rd, and several others still residing in the city of Washington D.C. petitioned to have a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) duly organized and constituted at Washington, D.C.
On the 5th day of April 1869, W. M. Thompson 33rd, Jonathan Davis 33rd, J. W. Warlett 33rd, W. H. Riley 33rd, Cyrus G. Burton 33rd, J.W. Henderson 33rd, and George W. Hopewell 33rd of the King David Supreme Council of Philadelphia, PA. finally granted them the right to their own Supreme Council in Washington, D.C. This was done in compliance with the Grand Constitutions of 1786; meaning this Supreme Council was regularly organized and opened as a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (A.A.S.R.) for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction for the United States of America and Canada. The Ill. William H. Thomas 33rd, who fought so hard early on, even before the 2nd Supreme Council came into being, for this dream to come true, was elected rightfully as its first M. P. Sovereign Grand Commander. It should be noted for those who wish to dismiss or expunge this imperative piece of Masonic History from the annals of time, that this United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of (A. A. S. R.) Antient Free and Accepted Masons is the same Supreme Council that Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33rd/96th was elected to serve as the M. P. Sov. Grand Commander over, not once, but twice, then ran and lost on his third bid for the office to Ill. John G. Jones 33rd. who once served as his Lt. Sov. Grand Commander. The sad and disappointing part of this history is that Thornton A. Jackson had the wherewithal to then turn around and declare to the Southern Supreme Council and others that would listen to him, that his own Supreme Council, the Southern & Western; that he was not only raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in, received the Honorary 33rd Degree of Inspector General in, Started the Supreme O.E.S. Grand Chapter in, and was the Most Pursuant Sovern Grand Commander in twice, Illegitimate and Clandestine is simply Ludacris and Asinine? (See below)
When you look at the office of M. P. Sov. Grand Commander of the Southern and Western Supreme Council below, you will see how the office of M. P. Sov. Grand Commander rotated between the years of 1875 and 1895 between members of both the Southern Supreme Council and the Southern and Western Supreme Council, indicating that our histories and legitimacy are indisputably intertwined and united:
(S & W Supreme Council organized 1869) M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. William H. Thomas 33°; Southern and Western ------ 1869 - 1878
NOTE: (The Southern Supreme Council was organized 1870, H.Q. Baltimore, MD.; led by M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33°)
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. James A. Handy 33°; Southern--------------------------------1875 - 1878
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33°; Southern and Western ----1878 - 1881*
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. James A. Handy 33°; Southern-------------------------------- 1881*-1889
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33°; Southern and Western-----1889 – 1895*
(Southern Split from S & W 1895*) M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. John G. Jones 33°; Southern and Western--------------- 1895*- 1914
(1895-1896 Ill. John G. Jones 33° was National Grand Master of the G. G. M. C. & M. P. Sov. Grand Commander of S & W United Supreme Council)
At this point,1881 becomes a critical juncture of events in time and history, notice that Ill. James A. Handy is listed as a member and the Sov. Grand Commander of the Baltimore (Southern) Supreme Council in 1875-1878, but as you can see in the timeline above, he was also the Sovereign Grand Commander of the (Southern and Western) Supreme Council in 1881-1889 after the Southern Supreme Council was set up in 1870 with Ill. Lemuel G. Griffin 33° as their 1st M. P. Sovereign Grand Commander; James Handy became his predecessor in 1875-1878. This is a clear indication that Ill. James A. Handy 33° had to also be a member of the Southern Supreme Council as well as a member of the Southern and Western Supreme Council at the same time. To further prove my point, it was in the 1881 NY Conclave, discussed in further details below in the (Articles of Union), that Ill. Rev. James A. Handy 33°, who authored the book Scraps of African Methodist Episcopal History (1902), went as a delegate to the January 13th Conclave that consisted of 18 Inspector Generals as a representative of the Southern Supreme Council. Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33° went to the same 1881Conclave in New York, NY as a representative of the Southern and Western Supreme Council. Historical documents also indicate that during the time of 1881-1895, they and others had membership in both Supreme Councils before and during the official unification of the two Southern Jurisdictions in 1887.
It was at the Historic Conclave on the 13th day of January 1881 in NY, NY that it was agreed to form two Supreme Councils for the United States of America and Canada, one for the Northern Jurisdiction and one for the Southern Jurisdiction requiring the 5 separate Supreme Councils to Unite. The 3 Supreme Councils in the North United quickly at the conclusion of the NY Conclave on that same date, January 13, 1881. However, the perspective leaders of the 2 remaining Supremes in the Southern Jurisdiction remained Sovereign in their separate Supreme Councils but continued to intermingle memberships to meet and work together as stated and indicated in the timeline above. It was not until 6 years later, on January 27th, 1887, that the Southern Jurisdictions complied with the concluding decision that came from that 1881 Conclave, finally giving birth to the re-named and re-organized union formed between the Southern Supreme Council of Baltimore, MD., and the Southern and Western Supreme Council of Washington, D. C.: it was to be from that day on known as the United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Grand East at Washington, D.C. . The Minutes from the Conclave state the following regarding their Union:
- The other Supreme Council will have its Holy See at the Grand Orient of Washington, in the District of Columbia (D.C.), and it will be the Southern Supreme Council and the Southern and Western Supreme Council, and it will be presided over by the Ill. Thornton A. Jackson, 33rd (Completed on January 27th, 1887).
- These two Supreme Councils of the thirty- third degree are the only true, lawful, and legitimate Supreme Councils among colored Masons in the United States of America, with relations of correspondence and amity established and the appointment by each of a Grand Representative near the other it was to operate as the United Supreme Council of the Southern and Western Jurisdiction (U.S.C.) in compliance with the Grand Constitutions of 1786. Both organizations, Southern and Southern and Western were regularly organized and opened as a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America, and Canada.
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Dr. B. H. Stillyard 33°; Wheeling, W. Va. ------ 1914 -1916
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Henry Broads 33°; Homestead, PA.----- 1916 -1918
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Charles L. Mitchell 33°; San Antonio, TX. ---- 1918 -1925
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. G. C. Williams 33°; Shreveport, LA.---- 1925 - 1936
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. J. C. Parker 33°; Detroit, MI.---- 1936 - 1958
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. T. J. Hawkins 33°; Shreveport, LA.___ 1958 - 1977
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Robert L. Johnson 33°; Los Angeles, CA. 1977-1987 M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. F. A. Watson 33°; Boston, MA-----
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Otis Clopton 33°; CA.-----
M. P. Sov. Grand Commander Ill. Joseph L. Thomas 33°; LA------ 2020 - Present
Hence, without pause or apology, Masons in the United Supreme Council of the Southern & Western Jurisdiction have continued to meet regularly since April 5th, 1869, to this present day where The Ill. Joseph L. Thomas 33rd has the honor and distinction of being the present Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander.
The Articles of Union: (October 1894)
As time went on, it did not take long before the five Supreme Councils became Masonic rivals, competing for members and at times for the same members. On April 1, 1880, the United States Supreme Council issued a call for representatives of all the Supreme Councils to meet in New York. The meeting took place on October 21st, 1880, where the passage of a resolution to convene the representatives again on January 13, 1881. On this date eighteen Inspector Generals convened in Corinthian Hall, New York City. John S. Chase of the United States Supreme Council was elected Chairman and Samuel R. Scottron of the United States Supreme Council was elected Secretary. The result was an agreement to form two Supreme Councils. All this was done for the sole purpose of the pursuance of the decrees, resolutions, and articles of a Convention of the Supreme Councils, held at the City of New York, in the State of New York, on the 13th day of January 1881. There at this Historic Conclave, it was agreed to form two Supreme Councils for the United States of America. The three in the North would unite to form one Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, and the two in the South would unite to form one Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction.
Thanks to the fact that the 5 Councils finally realized that having 5 Separate Supreme Councils sharing some of the same Jurisdiction and members was too much of a conflict-of-interest causing bitter bickering and rivalry, they were able to work together in the Spirit of Brotherly Love, Truth, and Relief because Harmony is the Strength of most societies, Especially Ours. Hence, on April 9th, 1881, a union was formed between the King David Supreme Council and King Frederick Supreme Council at Philadelphia, PA.: it was known as the United Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Grand East at Philadelphia, PA. NOTE: (The United States Supreme Council had to back out of the unification due to a lawsuit filed against it in Chicago, IL.). On January 27th, 1887, a Union was formed between the Southern Supreme Council of Baltimore, MD., and the Southern and Western Supreme Council of Washington, D. C.: it was known as the United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Grand East at Washington, D.C. Hence, what came out of the 1881 Conclave of representative Inspector Generals was what's responsible for creating the Articles of Union (October 16-17, 1894). The results of this Conclave proclaimed the following: "We do hereby make it known unto you that there are Only Two Regular and Legal Supreme Councils of the thirty-third and last degree of the A. A. S. Rite of Freemasonry among Colored Masons in the United States of America." They will be combined and redistricted as such for Details: (Read Minutes Below)
The Minutes from The Articles of Union
October 16-17, 1894
Union of Supreme Councils in the United States
The Supreme Councils were united by the following resolutions:
The United Supreme Council of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States, having its See at Washington, D. C., the Grand Orient, aforesaid, duly, and lawfully assembled in annual session at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri, on the 16th and 17th days of October 1894, V. E., do hereby order and ordain the following:
- We do hereby make it known unto you that there are only two regular and legal Supreme Councils of the thirty-third and last degree of the A. A. S. Rite of Freemasonry among colored Masons in the United States of America.
- One with it's See at the Grand Orient of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, and presided over by the Ill. George W. Roper, 33rd, M. P. Sov. Grand Commander and known by the style of United Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America.
- The other, with it's See at the Grand Orient of Washington, in the District of Columbia, and presided over by the Ill. Thornton A. Jackson, 33rd/96th, M. P. Sov. Grand Commander and known by the style of the United Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Jurisdiction of the United States of America.
- These two Supreme Councils of the thirty-third degree are the only true, lawful, and legitimate Supreme Councils among colored Masons in the United States of America, with relations of correspondence and amity established and the appointment by each of a Grand Representative near the other.
- At one time there existed in this country, as late as 1881, five Supreme Councils among colored Masons, all claiming the right and authority to confer the several degrees and establish bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite.
- The Supreme Council of the United States of America, it's Territories and Dependencies, Grand East at New York, and presided over by Ill. Peter W. Ray, 33rd, as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander, said to have been organized in 1864 by one Baron A. Hugo De Bulow, at one time a member of the Supreme Council of France.
- The Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, Grand East at Baltimore, Md. , and presided over by Ill. Lemuel D. Griffin, 33rd as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander was organized by and under the De Bulow authority.
- The Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, Grand East at Philadelphia, PA. , and presided over by Ill. J. D. Kelly, 33rd, as its M. P. Sov. Grand Commander, and known as King Frederick Supreme Council, was duly opened by the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction near this Grand East.
- King David Supreme Council in Philadelphia will Unite with the United States Supreme Council to form the United Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America with its Holy See at the Grand Orient of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, to be presided over by the Ill. George W. Roper, 33 rd., M. P. Sov. Grand Commander (Completed on April 9th, 1881.)
- The other Supreme Council will have its Holy See at the Grand Orient of Washington, in the District of Columbia (D.C.), and it will be the Southern Supreme Council and the Southern and Western Supreme Council, and it will be presided over by the Ill. Thornton A. Jackson, 33rd (Completed on January 27th, 1887).
- These two Supreme Councils of the thirty- third degree are the only true, lawful, and legitimate Supreme Councils among colored Masons in the United States of America, with relations of correspondence and amity established and the appointment by each of a Grand Representative near the other it was to operate as the United Supreme Council of the Southern and Western Jurisdiction (U.S.C.) in compliance with the Grand Constitutions of 1786. Both organizations, Southern and Southern and Western were regularly organized and opened a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, United States of America, and Canada.
Thornton A. Jackson
1895 Discord, (PHA /PHO Southern) and Southern and Western Split
Prince Hall Masonry was torn apart in the year 1895, it changed everything for Colored Masons, and the ripple effects are still felt to this day. In October of 1895 Ill John G. Jones 33rd became The Most Puissant Sovern Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Jurisdiction. Ill. John G. Jones 33rd was personally Installed by his predecessor Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33rd/96th. The problem was that Thornton Jackson reluctantly gave up his seat as Sov. Commander. He was so discontented about John G. Jones's Election into his position that he petitioned the Members of the Northern Supreme Council as well as the Southern Supreme Council to not recognize John G. Jones in his newly elected position. He even went as far as to expel any Masons that were loyal to John G. Jones and recognized him and his authority as the new Sov. Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction; to include the Southern supreme Council and the Southern and Western Supreme Council... The other part of the discontent with supporters of Thornton A. Jackson that became obvious after John G. Jones' election to office was that brother Jones wanted to take the Supreme Council in the direction that Thornton and other loyalists were not prepared to go. They argued and disagreed several times, but it finally reached an inflection point preventing them from moving forward on the same path; this falling out with each other caused John G. Jones to expel Thornton A. Jackson from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Jurisdiction along with several other masons that were involved with the disharmony between the two. The names of some of these expelled members from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Jurisdiction along with Thornton A. Jackson 33rd were James O. Bampfield 33rd, F.A. Revels 33rd, John W. Freeman 33rd, L.W. Pulis 33rd, Richard H. Gleaves 33rd, of Washington, D.C., Magnus L. Robinson 33rd, R.B. Robinson 33rd, of Alexandria, VA., Milton F. Fields 33rd, of St. Louis, MO., John A. Bell 33rd of Grand Rapids, MI., H.W. Knight 33rd, M.P. Triplett, 33rd and William Gray 33rd of Chicago, IL., Daniel Brown 33rd of Rosebud, AL., W.C. Lane 33rd of Cambridge, MA., and E.A. Williams 33rd formerly of New Orleans, La., residing in Cincinnati, Ohio. In turn as a showing of retaliation, Thornton A. Jackson expelled John G. Jones from the United Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction even though he was no longer the M.P. Sov. Grand Commander at that time, putting in question his authority to do so.
In 1895 John G. Jones was Lt. Sovereign Grand Commander of The United Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction; in that capacity he worked to set up John G. Jones Consistory #1 in Washington D.C. The brothers in the area were becoming members of this new Consistory. However, this act was done to the chagrin of Grand Master Hamilton Smith, so he issued an edict forbidding any member of his Blue Lodge to hold membership in this Consistory. These members had to renounce their membership in the new Consistory or be expelled from his Symbolic Blue Lodge. The members felt that the edict from Grand Master Hamilton Smith was wrong and appealed to the Grand Master, but to no avail, he denied their appeals. Hence, the Grand Lodge in Washington, D.C. split and became the present day Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge and the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. These two Grand Lodges are still active in Washington, DC. (Note: John G. Jones Consistory #1 has been active in Washington, D.C. since 1895 and is the oldest Consistory in the United Supreme Council of the Southern & Western Jurisdiction (A.A.S.R.).
A Supreme Councils can only be set up by another Supreme Council. This Supreme Council (U.S.C. OF S & W Jurisdiction) has never set up nor authorized any other Supreme Councils. None the less, there are several Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdictions and organizations which use our corporate name and our history. But let it be known, there has only been one United Supreme Council (U.S.C.) Southern and Western Jurisdiction (A.A.S.R.) registered in Washington, D. C. organized in 1869, with its first original members starting in 1856 with their degrees being conferred upon them by the 1st Supreme Council for Colored Mason's in the United States, King David Supreme Council. The U.S.C. of the S & W Jurisdiction was incorporated in 1895 as a non–profit corporation and is still in good standing in Washington, DC working and registered as a 501-C (10) tax exempt charitable organization. Unfortunately, there are some organizations that get copies of our corporation papers and illegally tell their members and others that it's their corporation papers, even though they file no tax forms in February, they have a nice frame that says otherwise. Unlike today, members back in the mid to late 1800's could have membership in more than one Masonic Jurisdiction: like Thornton A. Jackson and John G. Jones. But history indicates it was due to that crossing over of being a member in multiple competing Masonic Jurisdictions that created a conflict of interest and became the ground floor for the problems we have today with so many different Masonic Orders, Affiliations, and Jurisdictions. This council is the Supreme governing and administrative body of the Fraternity. Its purpose is to give the Masonic student a cleaner insight into the realms of Masonic perfection and render him a similar service as the college renders to the high school graduate. The Scottish Rite is to the enterprising Mason what classics are to the professional tutor, looking up toward higher ideals, desirous to soar among the talented craftsmen of the art, and better suited for competent leadership and tutorship. It provides newer, and more definite avenues of expansion and development in matters pertaining to the whole Fraternity.
It was 1895 when the Supreme Councils of the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA) and the Southern and Western Jurisdiction (A.F. & A.F.) formally split and it was 1900-1901 when the Imperial Grand Council Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (PHA) split from our original Imperial Grand Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (A.F. & A.M.), indicating that the two were once one and the (A.E.A.O.N.M.S.) came from the original (A.A.O.N.M.S.) and their original founding father who brought the Nobles to the United States was none other than, Ill. Noble John G. Jones 33rd.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ill. Noble Byon K. Amerson 33°
Desert of Texas
Prince Hall Masonry was torn apart in the year 1895, it changed everything for Colored Masons, and the ripple effects are still felt to this day. In October of 1895 Ill John G. Jones 33rd became The Most Puissant Sovern Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Jurisdiction. Ill. John G. Jones 33rd was personally Installed by his predecessor Ill. Thornton A. Jackson 33rd/96th. The problem was that Thornton Jackson reluctantly gave up his seat as Sov. Commander. He was so discontented about John G. Jones's Election into his position that he petitioned the Members of the Northern Supreme Council as well as the Southern Supreme Council to not recognize John G. Jones in his newly elected position. He even went as far as to expel any Masons that were loyal to John G. Jones and recognized him and his authority as the new Sov. Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction; to include the Southern supreme Council and the Southern and Western Supreme Council... The other part of the discontent with supporters of Thornton A. Jackson that became obvious after John G. Jones' election to office was that brother Jones wanted to take the Supreme Council in the direction that Thornton and other loyalists were not prepared to go. They argued and disagreed several times, but it finally reached an inflection point preventing them from moving forward on the same path; this falling out with each other caused John G. Jones to expel Thornton A. Jackson from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Jurisdiction along with several other masons that were involved with the disharmony between the two. The names of some of these expelled members from the United Supreme Council Southern and Western Jurisdiction along with Thornton A. Jackson 33rd were James O. Bampfield 33rd, F.A. Revels 33rd, John W. Freeman 33rd, L.W. Pulis 33rd, Richard H. Gleaves 33rd, of Washington, D.C., Magnus L. Robinson 33rd, R.B. Robinson 33rd, of Alexandria, VA., Milton F. Fields 33rd, of St. Louis, MO., John A. Bell 33rd of Grand Rapids, MI., H.W. Knight 33rd, M.P. Triplett, 33rd and William Gray 33rd of Chicago, IL., Daniel Brown 33rd of Rosebud, AL., W.C. Lane 33rd of Cambridge, MA., and E.A. Williams 33rd formerly of New Orleans, La., residing in Cincinnati, Ohio. In turn as a showing of retaliation, Thornton A. Jackson expelled John G. Jones from the United Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction even though he was no longer the M.P. Sov. Grand Commander at that time, putting in question his authority to do so.
In 1895 John G. Jones was Lt. Sovereign Grand Commander of The United Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction; in that capacity he worked to set up John G. Jones Consistory #1 in Washington D.C. The brothers in the area were becoming members of this new Consistory. However, this act was done to the chagrin of Grand Master Hamilton Smith, so he issued an edict forbidding any member of his Blue Lodge to hold membership in this Consistory. These members had to renounce their membership in the new Consistory or be expelled from his Symbolic Blue Lodge. The members felt that the edict from Grand Master Hamilton Smith was wrong and appealed to the Grand Master, but to no avail, he denied their appeals. Hence, the Grand Lodge in Washington, D.C. split and became the present day Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge and the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. These two Grand Lodges are still active in Washington, DC. (Note: John G. Jones Consistory #1 has been active in Washington, D.C. since 1895 and is the oldest Consistory in the United Supreme Council of the Southern & Western Jurisdiction (A.A.S.R.).
A Supreme Councils can only be set up by another Supreme Council. This Supreme Council (U.S.C. OF S & W Jurisdiction) has never set up nor authorized any other Supreme Councils. None the less, there are several Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdictions and organizations which use our corporate name and our history. But let it be known, there has only been one United Supreme Council (U.S.C.) Southern and Western Jurisdiction (A.A.S.R.) registered in Washington, D. C. organized in 1869, with its first original members starting in 1856 with their degrees being conferred upon them by the 1st Supreme Council for Colored Mason's in the United States, King David Supreme Council. The U.S.C. of the S & W Jurisdiction was incorporated in 1895 as a non–profit corporation and is still in good standing in Washington, DC working and registered as a 501-C (10) tax exempt charitable organization. Unfortunately, there are some organizations that get copies of our corporation papers and illegally tell their members and others that it's their corporation papers, even though they file no tax forms in February, they have a nice frame that says otherwise. Unlike today, members back in the mid to late 1800's could have membership in more than one Masonic Jurisdiction: like Thornton A. Jackson and John G. Jones. But history indicates it was due to that crossing over of being a member in multiple competing Masonic Jurisdictions that created a conflict of interest and became the ground floor for the problems we have today with so many different Masonic Orders, Affiliations, and Jurisdictions. This council is the Supreme governing and administrative body of the Fraternity. Its purpose is to give the Masonic student a cleaner insight into the realms of Masonic perfection and render him a similar service as the college renders to the high school graduate. The Scottish Rite is to the enterprising Mason what classics are to the professional tutor, looking up toward higher ideals, desirous to soar among the talented craftsmen of the art, and better suited for competent leadership and tutorship. It provides newer, and more definite avenues of expansion and development in matters pertaining to the whole Fraternity.
It was 1895 when the Supreme Councils of the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA) and the Southern and Western Jurisdiction (A.F. & A.F.) formally split and it was 1900-1901 when the Imperial Grand Council Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (PHA) split from our original Imperial Grand Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (A.F. & A.M.), indicating that the two were once one and the (A.E.A.O.N.M.S.) came from the original (A.A.O.N.M.S.) and their original founding father who brought the Nobles to the United States was none other than, Ill. Noble John G. Jones 33rd.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ill. Noble Byon K. Amerson 33°
Desert of Texas