George Washington Carver
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
A.F. & A.M.
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Ill. Clyde A. Nesbitt, Jr. 33°
Ill. Clyde A. Nesbitt, Jr. 33°
- 70-80 Talbot Avenue
- Dorchester MA 02124
- Email: [email protected]
- 617-436-9841
- Website:
John G. Jones Grand
Chapter O.E.S.
Chapter O.E.S.
Worthy Grand Matron
Sis. Denise Parkman
Grand Chapter
A. F. & A. M.
Sis. Denise Parkman
Grand Chapter
A. F. & A. M.
Past Grand Master of Massachusetts
ILL. F. A. Watson, 33° (Deceased)
ILL. F. A. Watson, 33° (Deceased)
The officers and members of the Most Worshipful George Washington Carver
Grand Lodge, Inc. AF & AM and John G. Jones Grand Chapter, OES extends their
deepest sympathy to the Family of MPSGC Emeritus FA Watson, 33rd.
MPSGC FA Watson, 33rd was also Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful
George Washington Carver Grand Lodge, Inc. AF&AM. He served in this capacity
for more than 30 years. During that time, he made a tremendous contribution to the
growth of our organization. His leadership helps us to the point we are at now. With
his teachings, we can continue to grow our organization and groom new
(Click Link to see Resolution)
Grand Lodge, Inc. AF & AM and John G. Jones Grand Chapter, OES extends their
deepest sympathy to the Family of MPSGC Emeritus FA Watson, 33rd.
MPSGC FA Watson, 33rd was also Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful
George Washington Carver Grand Lodge, Inc. AF&AM. He served in this capacity
for more than 30 years. During that time, he made a tremendous contribution to the
growth of our organization. His leadership helps us to the point we are at now. With
his teachings, we can continue to grow our organization and groom new
(Click Link to see Resolution)